Get productive with Planio in 10 Minutes

Planio is a powerful set of collaboration and project management tools which is flexibe enough to adapt to almost every situation in the workplace.

Especially if your company hasn't used a tool like Planio before, we recommended to start small and add more features as you go.

Keep it simple stupid

Nobody likes complicated -- and neither do we. If you're just starting, why not take a radical approach: Let's strip your Planio down to the bare minimum!

Don't worry - we aren't burning any bridges here. All bells and whistles will still be there when you need them later on.

Start with only one project

For starters, we recommend you only use one single project. Not more. Sure, you'll have a lot of stuff to do organise with Planio, and you can create as much content as you like. But have only one project in the beginning. Add more later if you need them.

Let's create a super simple project, shall we?

Use only one project for everything in the beginning

If you've already invited other colleagues to Planio, be sure to add them to your new project using the Members tab. When selecting a role, choose Manager. If you haven't invited anyone yet, don't worry, we'll do that later.

One Workflow to track them all

Trackers let you define a unique workflow for recurring tasks like handling an incoming invoice or approving a purchase order according to predefined steps in a business process.

That's not what you were after when we said simple, right?

Flatten your hiararchies

Roles are a powerful way to manage access control in Planio. They give you fine-grained control over the "who can do what" in your project.

Our hypothesis: Forget roles for now.

Less numerous enumerations

Getting the hang of it? Let's remove some more unused stuff for now.

Use only a few numerations

Feels good, doesn't it?

Get rid of unused fields

Don't feel like selecting trackers, categories, milestones, and % done for a simple task? Let's get rid of them and simplify our workflow.

Got it? By setting the fields to Read-only, we've actually removed them from the forms that are used to create and update tasks. It will make those forms much simpler and easier to fill out.

Afraid you'll miss a field later on? No problem, just switch it back from Read-only to the empty selection and the field will be visible again in forms.

Get to work!

That's it, you're done. Welcome to the most simple Planio setup.

What to do next? Here are some ideas:

Invite some colleagues

If you haven't, invite your team members to Planio.

Create some content

Navigate to your project via the Projects menu at the top and check out the different sections.

But what are they for? Let's see:

Think twice before you send an email!

Now, what's the best way to adopt Planio in your everyday life? It's really simple actually. It all comes down to one easy habit to adopt: Think twice before you send an email!

Know that reflex to open up your email client and add all your colleagues in CC? Don't do that anymore!

Think about what it is you're writing. If you're looking to get work done, create an issue. If you want to announce something, use the blog. Have a PDF file to share, upload it to documents. Want to write meeting minutes or describe the new workflow for submitting a vacation request, update the wiki. Finally, if you just had an awesome idea and want feedback, write a forum post.

Encourage your colleagues to do the same, and enjoy less email, a better structure, and incredibly improved productivity!