Synchronize Files using Planio Storage

Planio Storage lets you set up a dedicated folder within any Planio project that will be synchronized scross your team. All team members can access files using the web or directly in their devices using a Planio Storage Sync Client.

Install Planio Storage

Within any project, install Planio Storage by navigating to the Apps tab. Depending on your current Planio plan, you might have to add Planio Storage for a small monthly fee. Of course, you'll be able to try Planio Storage for free until your next plan renewal.


Install Planio Storage

After that, you will notice a new tab within the project called Storage. Inside, you'll be able to upload any number of files from your computer by clicking on the Upload files button or simply by dragging them from your desktop into the browser window.

You can also create folders as you would on your computer by clicking New folder.

To visualize the files and folders in Planio Storage, you can either select Tree or Grid from the options menu at the top right.


Planio Storage tree view