Get Started with Team Chat in Planio

Team Chat lets you quickly make decisions together with your teams in real time from your phone or computer.

What's Great about Team Chat?

Activate Planio Chat and Get Your Connection Credentials

Log in into your Planio account and select the project you want to have team chat for. Go to ‘Apps’ in the navigation bar and make sure Team Chat is installed. It’s an optional extra, so you’ll have to upgrade to use it.

[insert shot of app activate box]

Now, you’ll see ‘Chat Logs’ in the navigation bar. Click on it and you’ll see a history of all chat messages. On the right, you’ll see a sidebar with the credentials for your secure chat. You’ll have to enter your password to see the Server password.

[insert image of sidebar including password using a randomly generated password from here:\]

You’ll need these credentials to set up chat on mobile devices and desktop IRC clients.

Set up Chat on your iPhone

Let’s install chat on your iPhone so you can chat with your team members and get notifications on the go.

Install the Colloquy App from the App Store

Open the app store and search for the Colloquy app. The app costs 1.99. Install the app and open it.

Add a new Connection

Select ‘Add an IRC connection'.

Now, we'll fill out the connection fields:

The description can be whatever you want.

The address is the host name from your Planio chat credentials.

You can select your Nickname and real name.

Click on Advanced

Enter the port number for the Server port. You'll find it in your Planio chat credentials.

Switch on SSL, so you’ll be secure

For the user name, enter the user name, again from your Planio chat credentials

Enter in the long password you’ll find in the right sidebar (you’ll have to click to reveal it and enter your password)

Click back to New Connection

Then click on ‘Connect’

Join the Project Room

You’ll see two rooms. You can enter the room and start chat

[insert screenshot of chat room]

Set up Desktop Chat on your Mac

Download and install Colloquy

Download and install Colloquy from the Colloquy downloads page.

Create a new connection

Open up Colloquy. It will prompt you to create a new connection. If not, you can select File -> New Connection
[insert shot of the open prompt]

Select the Details button and enter the following details:
[insert shot of the new connection screen filled out]

You'll find these credential details on in your Planio project in 'Chat logs'.
Nickname: enter your name
Server Protocol: leave as IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
Chat Server Port: see your Planio account
SSL Connection: make sure it’s ticked (so your chat will be secure)
Chat Server: enter the Host name
User name: enter the User name
Server password: enter the Server password

Join the Project Room

Click on Connect and you’ll be automatically joined to your project chat room.

[insert screenshot of the chat room]