# How to Guides - [[Create a custom workflow for recurring tasks]] - [[Get productive with Planio in 10 Minutes]] - [[Going Agile with Planio]] - [[Import issues into Planio via CSV files]] - [[Learn all about issues]] - [[Set up Your CRM and Helpdesk App]] - [[Synchronize Documents using Sparkleshare]] - [[Synchronize Files using Planio Storage]] - [[The Product Manager’s Guide to Planio]] - [[The Redmine Guide]] - [[Issue Tracking in Redmine]] - [[Use Planios Git repositories with Eclipse]] - [[Using Team Chat in Planio]] - [[Set up Team Chat on Windows using Pidgin]] - [[Set Up Team Chat on Your Android Device using AndroIRC]] - [[Set up Team Chat on Your iOS device using Colloquy]] - [[Set up Team Chat on Your Mac using Colloquy]]