


Import issues into Planio via CSV files » History » Sprint/Milestone 40

Thomas Carney, 07/15/2016 02:27 PM

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# Import issues into Planio via CSV files
3 32 Thomas Carney
This is a guide on how you can import tasks, issues, tickets or stories from Comma Separated Value (CSV) files using the importer in Planio.
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There are two steps to this process. First, you need to prepare a CSV file for import. Secondly, you have to carry out the import. We’ll cover both in this guide.
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## Preparing the CSV file
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You need to export your tasks, issues or tickets in the CSV format. You can save most Excel sheets as CSV files by clicking on **File -\> Save As…** and then selecting **Comma Separated Values** as the format from the dropdown menu.
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Your CSV file can have the following headers. You’ll find a sample CSV file here.
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| Values           | Notes                                                                                                                                |
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| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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| Project          | Enter the name of the project to which you want to assign the issue. This is required.                                               |
| Subject          | The subject of the issue. This is required                                                                                           |
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| Description      | Enter the text that will form the issue's description.                                                                               |
| Priority         | Enter the name of one of the priorities listed in your Planio account. You’ll find their names in Administration -\> Issue statuses. |
| Assignee         | Enter the First and Last Name of the person to whom you want to assign the issue. You’ll their name in Administration -\> Users      |
| Sprint/Milestone | Enter the name of the milestone or sprint to which the issue should be assigned.                                                     |
| Private          | This selects whether the issue will be private for the assignee or not. Enter TRUE or FALSE as possible values.                      |
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| Parent task      | You can enter the issue id number of the parent tasks. For example: 271936.                                                          |
| Start date       | Enter the date in your local date format (e.g. MM/DD/YYYY or DD.MM.YYYY).                                                            |
| Due date         | Enter the date in your local date format (e.g. MM/DD/YYYY or DD.MM.YYYY).                                                            |
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| Estimated time   | Enter a number for the estimated time                                                                                                |
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| % Done           | Enter a number for the percentage done.                                                                                              |
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## Importing the CSV File
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Now, you have a CSV file ready for import. The next step is to import it into Planio. You’ll find the button for the Import on the issues page in the sidebar.
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*Click on Import in the sidebar on the right*
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Then, select your CSV file using the file picker.
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*Upload the CSV file using the file picker*
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On the next page, you can select options for importing the CSV File
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*Select the options for importing the CSV file based on how your CSV file is formatted*
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| Option          | Notes                                                                       |
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| --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Field separator | You can select between comma separated values or semicolon separated values |
| Field wrapper   | You can select between double quotes or single quotes.                      |
| Encoding        | You can select the encoding for the CSV file                                |
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| Date format     | You can select one of five data formats                                     |
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Then, you have to map the values from the CSV files to issue field in Planio. You can select each value from the dropdown menu beside each attribute. You’ll also see a file content preview, so you can make sure you’re importing the right data.
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*Assign each column in the CSV file to an issue field*
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Once you’re done assigning the values to each field, you can click on import to start the import.
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If you encounter any issues, you'll see a page with the errors. You can restart the import once you've fixed the problems in the CSV file.
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*A list of the errors encountered during the import*
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If all goes well, you’ll see a list of the imported issues.
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*You'll see a list of the created issues.*
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That's how you can import tasks, issues, bugs or stories into Planio using the CSV importer.