


Learn all about issues » History » Sprint/Milestone 32

Jan Schulz-Hofen, 04/17/2014 06:25 PM

1 29 Jan Schulz-Hofen
# Learn all about issues
2 3 Jan Schulz-Hofen
3 30 Jan Schulz-Hofen
Let's have a look at how to create new issues and introduce the different fields you’ll encounter when creating one.
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## Issue fields
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9 15 Jan Schulz-Hofen
Issues can be comprised of much more than their four required fields (tracker, subject, status and priority); in fact, there are a ton of useful fields that can really bring your Planio issues to life. Let’s explore them by walking through the process of creating a new issue.
10 1 Jan Schulz-Hofen
11 16 Jan Schulz-Hofen
*Please note that based on your role and the enabled modules in your project not all of the shown fields may be available.*
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13 8 Jan Schulz-Hofen
### The basics: tracker, private, subject, and description
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*Basic issue fields*
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  - In the **Tracker** field, select the most appropriate issue tracker category (learn [[Create_a_custom_workflow_for_recurring_tasks|more about trackers here]]).
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  - In the **Private** field, select the check box to indicate that the issue is a private issue. Based on role permissions, a private issue will not be visible to other users, though they may see other issues within the same project.
  - In the **Subject** field, enter a brief yet meaningful subject title for the issue.
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  - In the **Description** field, describe the nature of the issue. You can use the formatting buttons at the top to add basic formatting. To learn more about Planio's default formatting language *Textile*, click the small **Help** icon.
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### Planning and project related fields
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  - In the **Status** field, select the current status of the new issue.
  - In the **Priority** field, select the relative importance of the issue in terms of its priority with other issues.
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  - In the **Assignee** field, select the person to whom the issue should be assigned. The assignee, like a watcher (see below), receives e-mail notifications when an update to the issue occurs.
  - In the **Category** field, select the relevant category for this issue. If you'd like to create a new category, click on the small + icon next to it.
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  - In the **Target milestone** field, select a milestone. Milestones will be displayed alongside their issues on the roadmap of your project. To create a new milestone, click on the + icon next to it.
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  - In the **Parent task** field, enter a task/issue number or enter keyword text of a task that is a parent to your task - Planio will actively display all tasks that match your text. Click the parent task when it appears.
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  - In the **Start date** field, enter the date when the issue should begin in `yyyy-mm-dd` format or click the icon to launch the mini-calendar.
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  - In the **Due date** field, enter the date when the issue is due in `yyyy-mm-dd` format or click the icon to launch the mini-calendar.
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  - In the **Estimated time** field, enter the number of hours to be allocated to the issue.
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  - In the **% Done** field, select the current percentile value of the issue’s completion rate.
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*Please note that if you don't have issue categories or milestones yet, the fields will not be shown. You can create them within your project **Settings**.*
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### Customer related fields
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42 19 Jan Schulz-Hofen
Planio lets you work together with your customers even when they haven't got their own user account. If an issue is associated with a customer company and contact, you can optionally send issue updates to your customers via e-mail. Their response will automatically update the respective issue in Planio. Both companies and contacts can be managed in the **Customers** tab within your project.
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46 17 Jan Schulz-Hofen
  - In the **Customer company** field, enter the name of an existing company - Planio will actively display all companies that match the name. Click the company when it appears.
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  - In the **Customer contact** field, select the name of the contact within the company who is associated with the issue. 
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  - In the **Additional customer contacts** field, you can add additional contacts from within the customer company that should receive issue updates in CC. Simply enter names or e-mail addresses - Planio will select or create contacts automatically for you. You can add as many additional contacts as you like, to add a new line, simply click on **Add contact**.
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### Files and watchers
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52 21 Jan Schulz-Hofen
  - In the **Files** field, click **Choose Files** to launch the file upload tool. This field is used to attach files that are relevant to the issue. Alternatively, you can simply drag and drop files from your computer onto the issue form to attach them.
55 23 Jan Schulz-Hofen
  - In the **Watchers** field, select the check box(es) to indicate other people within the project team who should be kept aware of the issue via e-mail notifications. Users that aren't shown can be added by clicking on **Search for watchers to add**.
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## Finalizing your issue
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  - Click **Create** to finalize the issue and view its details; or,
  - Click **Create and continue** to finalise the issue and create an additional issue; or,
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  - Click **Preview** to view the appearance of the issue’s description (very useful if you have included wiki syntax text in your description).
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*Do you think your colleagues might be overwhelmed with all those issue fields and options? Learn how to strip down your Planio to a [[Get_productive_with_Planio_in_10_Minutes|productive bare minimum]].*