Set up Team Chat on Windows using Pidgin » History » Revision 10
Revision 9 (Thomas Carney, 07/29/2015 04:26 PM) → Revision 10/15 (Thomas Carney, 07/29/2015 04:47 PM)
# Set up Team Chat on Windows using Pidgin Pidgin is a free IRC client for Windows, which you can use for Planio team chat on your desktop. Yet another line. {{>toc}} ## Download and install Pidgin Download and install [Pidgin for Windows.]( Windows]( ## Add a new Account Click on the **Add** button on the welcome screen to add a new account.  *Click 'Add'* In the basic tab: - **Protocol** should be set to IRC - **Username** should be the username from your credentials (above) - **Server** is the Host name from your credentials - **Password** is the password from your credentials - Check **Remember password**, so you don't always have to re-enter it - Local alias is your chat name  *Fill out the basic tab* In the Advanced tab: - The **Port** should be the port number from your credentials - Tick **Use SSL**, so your chat is secure - Ident name should be the user name from your credentials  *Fill out the advanced tab* ## Start Chatting Click on 'Add' and you'll be automatically connected to the project chatroom.