



Planio navigation improvements

Feature Update
Added by Felix Schäfer about 4 years ago

Updated project picker with autocomplete

We have revamped the global project picker to make navigating large numbers of projects easier. The project picker now has an autocomplete field you can use to narrow down on the project you would like to jump to. The project picker still has a scrollable list of results, and heavy keyboard users will be happy to know the new project picker also still supports keyboard navigation.

The new project picker also sports 2 power-user features: recently used and bookmarked projects. Recently used projects will show up at the top of the project picker just below the autocomplete box, this way you will be able to quickly jump to projects you already have been working on recently. Last but not least you can now bookmark projects on the Overview page of a project using the icon in the top right contextual menu. Your bookmarked projects will then appear at the top of the projects listed in your project picker.

Gif of the new project picker in action

New project picker in Planio

Global tabs

We have brought the tabs you already know from projects to global views, making it easier to access for example the global issue or time entry list. Going to the global issue list now doesn't involve selecting the project list from your user menu and clicking the "view all issues" button, you can now directly jump to the global issue list from the Planio start page.

The global tabs also feature the same +-menu than the project tabs which allows you to quickly enter an issue and then select which project it should go to or to quickly access the various import functions of Planio.

Many more small improvements

This version of Planio also brings lots of smaller improvements, like some new filters in the issues query or refinements to some UI elements.

There are 2 additions to custom fields that we would like to highlight. First is the new File type for custom fields. If there's a type of document that should be attached in a structured way to certain issues, you can now define a File type custom field for those issues! Second is a UI option for Long Text type custom fields, which can now be configured to be displayed as full width, which will improve the experience of entering and reading really long texts in custom fields.

Last but not least is a great improvement to Time Entry Queries some of you have requested: Time Entry Queries can now be saved with mostly the same experience as for saving Issue Queries. This will allow frequent users of Time Entry Queries to save queries they use often and speed up this part of their Planio usage.

We're sure every user will find their Planio experience improved by those changes and would love to hear your feedback. If you have any questions regarding those new features or anything Planio related please get in touch.


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Keep Track of File Downloads in Planio Storage

Feature Update
Added by Jens Krämer about 4 years ago

Download History of Files in Planio Storage

We added a new Downloads tab to the Storage file details page, showing all downloads of the file in the last 30 days (by default, you may however change this for each project, as outlined below). This allows you to keep track of who downloaded what and when, and whether downloads were made through WebDAV, the Planio API or by using a Web browser.

Storage File Download Log

New Project Level Settings for Planio Storage

With this update, we also introduced three new project level settings for Planio Storage.

Project Level Planio Storage Settings

Maximum number of file versions

As you might have noticed, Planio Storage creates a new Version every time a file is updated, and you can download previous versions of any file from the History tab. This setting allows to configure how many versions for each file should be kept around. Leave this field blank in order to keep an unlimited history for each file. However keep in mind that old versions of files count against the storage quota of your account. The default value for this setting is 15, meaning that, for each file, it's current, and the most recent 14 previous versions, are kept.

Download history retention time

Complementing the Download History feature introduced above, here you may choose how many days of download logs should be kept. An empty value means Keep history forever, a value of 0 configures Planio Storage to not store download history at all in this project.

Lowering this setting, i.e. from 3 to 1 day, will lead to immediate deletion of log entries that do not match the new setting.

Purge deleted files from trash after

The recently introduced Trashcan automatically purges entries older than three days. You can now adapt this to your needs by setting a different number of days here. In order to never automatically purge files, set this to a blank value. A value of 0, on the contrary, will effectively disable the trashcan and delete files immediately. Any changes you make to this value will only apply to files deleted in the future and do not affect current contents of the Trashcan.

Trashcan contents (and their versions) count against your global Storage quota until they are finally purged.

Launching Planio Meet–a video conferencing platform

Product Release
Added by Jan Schulz-Hofen over 4 years ago

Since going into self-isolation four weeks ago, our team here at Planio has been working relentlessly on something we haven’t had in Planio so far: Video Conferencing.

To help you weather the COVID-19 storm and stay productive while working from home, we’re introducing today–after just 4 weeks of development–a very early alpha version of Planio Meet, a video conferencing solution fully integrated in Planio.

Video Conferencing with Planio Meet

Planio Meet is a Pro Feature available entirely for free in all Planio plans for the time being.

Built on the outstanding open source project Jitsi, Planio Meet adds simple one-click video conferencing to all your Planio projects: Simply click on the Video conference tab in any project and you’ll see and hear your team mates live and in real time.

As you can imagine, 4 weeks aren’t nearly enough to release a mature product. However, given the circumstances, we decided to release our very first proof-of-concept to all customers. As we continue development of Planio Meet over the coming weeks and months, we will deploy early and often and let you follow the development very closely.

This means, that things may break and that Planio Meet won’t work perfectly for everyone from the start, but it’s a first step. A step that we feel was needed now–not in a few months.

In our own tests, we were having a lot of success with using Planio Meet in Firefox. Some colleagues say Google Chrome is working great, too. Your mileage may vary. Please feel free to experiment a little and don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions or requests.

We hope this helps. Stay healthy and stay inside!

Your friends at Planio

Adapt Planio Storage to Your Needs with Custom Fields

Feature Update
Added by Jens Krämer over 4 years ago

You can now define Custom Fields for files and folders in Planio Storage. As with other kinds of custom fields, you have fine grained control over field format, visibility and what fields are available in which projects. Planio Storage custom fields may also be declared Searchable, which, for example, could be used with a Keywords field to improve search result relevance:

Creating a Storage File Custom Field

Custom field data can be edited using the standard Edit action from the file / folder details screen. The custom field values are rendered in the collapsible sidebar:

Custom value editing

COVID-19 Global Pandemic Situation Update

Customer Support
Added by Jan Schulz-Hofen over 4 years ago

In light of the recent global developments around the COVID-19 pandemic I wanted to give you an update about the situation here at Planio.


TL;DR: Everything is fine, we're used to working remotely. And we want to help you help your colleagues and friends adapt to remote work.

As a team, we decided last weekend to go into self-isolation and work from home, both to help slow down the spread of the virus and to give our staff members with families the flexibility they need to adapt to the new situation.

The change doesn't affect us much as many of our team had already been working remotely and geographically distributed. We are all in good health and we don't expect any unforeseen disruptions.

Of course, we're all using Planio to collaborate online which really helped us making the transision to being fully remote as seamless as possible.

The recent migration of all Planio servers to our new data center further increases our redundancy and resilience on that level. In the new data center, we increased our server capacity by 50% and are supported by a much larger professional on-site team with rotating schedules providing 24/7 availability.

COVID-19 assistance

Over the coming weeks, our team will do their best to help you keep the impact of COVID-19 on your business as low as possible. In order to achieve that, we now offer the following programs:

  1. During 2020, all additional data migrations into Planio performed by our engineers will be free of charge even for existing customers and even if you’ve had a free import already. This way, more teams at your company can join you in using Planio and you can use the situation as an opportunity to replace more legacy or locally hosted tools.
  2. If you upgrade your Planio account to a higher plan, you will receive 1 month of usage for free. So, if you’re using Planio with your team but other teams within your company don’t yet, you can onboard them starting today without having to get additional budget approved immediately.
  3. If you help other companies start working remotely with Planio, we will waive the monthly charges for their account for the first 2 months and add a 3 month's free usage credit to yours. This situation can be a three-way win: Your friends at other companies will move their work online, giving more flexibility to their staff, and be forever grateful to you. Your company will benefit from savings and can invest a little more elsewhere to lessen the impact of the pandemic on your business. And we at Planio will have one more happy customer joining our little crowd of 1,500 companies making their work more productive and fun online.
  4. Update: We’ve launched Planio Meet, a video conferencing platform integrated in Planio, a feature that has been requested by many users.

This way, we hope to support both our existing users and make it easier for new customers to adapt to working from home during self-isolation.

If you would like to use any of these offers or if you need any other assistance or have a specific situation you would like to discuss, please get in touch. My team and I will be happy to help.

All the best,

Jan Schulz-Hofen
Founder and Managing Director

Data center migration and change of IP address range (2 comments)

Server maintenance
Added by Jan Schulz-Hofen over 4 years ago

We will be migrating Planio to a new data center on the weekend of March 14th and 15th, 2020. This change will help us further improve the performance and availability of all Planio services.

The migration window starts on Saturday, March 14 at 9:00 UTC and will last until Sunday, March 15, 22:00 UTC. Within that time frame, some or all services of your account might observe occasional unavailabilities as we transfer your data. All data is safe during the migration and will be transferred over fully encrypted channels to the new data center.

IP address range

With the migration, we will update the IP range on which Planio servers operate. It will change from (previous) to (new). If you have configured any firewall or proxy rules in your organization, please make sure to adapt those beforehand. For most users, nothing needs to be changed on your end.

In any case, please note that we might occasionally have to further update the used IP ranges of our servers without prior notice. As such, please continue to avoid IP address based firewall rules for Planio in your organisation. If you require to set up firewall rules, please use hostnames instead.

If you are using Planio on a custom domain, the same applies. If you have used a CNAME in the past, nothing needs to be changed. Should you have used A records, please update them accordingly and re-evaluate if using a CNAME is possible now.

Privacy and GDPR

Customers who have concluded a Data Processing Agreement according to Art. 28 GDPR with Planio have already received an update by email to reflect this data center change. The new data center we are migrating to is located and operated in Germany as was our previous data center. As such, your Planio data will not change jurisdictions. Administrators can still sign the new agreement via Your AvatarCustomer AccountData Processing Agreement if desired.

Should you have any questions related to the migration, as always please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Tidy up your Issues by Blocking Irrelevant Email Attachments

Feature Update
Added by Jens Krämer over 4 years ago

Many business emails come with quite a few images in their footer, like company logos, social network logos etc. When receiving such emails in Planio Helpdesk, these attachments would be added to the issue over and over again, quickly leading to a long list of attachments. Not only does this make it hard to find relevant attachments, it also takes up storage space in your Planio account that you might want to use otherwise.

Blacklist unwanted attachments

In order to enable users to make use of the blacklist, add the Add attachments to blacklist permission to one of their roles. They may then, when editing an issue, click Edit attached files at the bottom of the form. This reveals a list of the currently attached files, each with a link to Blacklist it.

Blacklist attachments when editing an assue

Alternatively, you may click the Edit icon next to the attachments list while viewing an issue. This will lead to the Edit attachments form which features the new Blacklist links as well.

In either case, clicking the Blacklist link will, after a confirmation, remove the file from the issue and append it to the global attachments blacklist. From now on, the same file (as determined by a checksum over it's data, the name does not matter) will be ignored whenever it is part of an incoming email.

Managing the attachments blacklist

As an administrator you can access the global attachments blacklist in AdministrationAttachments blacklist. The blacklist shows when and by whom a file was blacklisted, what issue it originally was attached to, and allows to remove entries from the blacklist. There is also a function to Delete all duplicates for each blacklisted file, which will go through all your existing issues and remove any files that are identical to the already blacklisted one. Note that this process cannot be reversed.

Markdown support using CommonMark and conversion service

Usability Improvement
Added by Jan Schulz-Hofen over 4 years ago

For many years, Planio has been using the Textile syntax for all issue descriptions, wiki pages, and all other formatted content.

The Markdown logo

However, some time has passed since the first days of Planio. Meanwhile Markdown has emerged as the more common de-facto standard for formatting text and it's in the process of being defined formally as a standard. For a while now, new Planio accounts are using Markdown and both formatting languages are fully supported.

In order to make our use of Markdown even more interoperable, we've now switched our parser to CommonMark. This means that if you're used to writing Markdown at GitHub, Stack Overflow, Discourse, and many more, you will feel right at home with Planio.

With that change, we're now introducing a free Markdown conversion service. If you started using Planio before we introduced Markdown and would like all your existing Textile content be converted to Markdown, please get in touch and we will coordinate a time slot to perform the automated conversion of your data.

Get notified about high priority issues only

Notification Improvement
Added by Jan Schulz-Hofen over 4 years ago

In Planio, you can control for which events you'd like to receive notifications and on which ways you'd like to be notified, e.g. via email, or via mobile or desktop push notification.

Today, we're introducing a new way to control what you'd like to be notified about. Within your Avatar -> My account section, you can now enable a new setting called Also notify me about issues with a priority of high or higher.

Get nofified about high priority issues

This will essentially notify you about high priority issues regardless of whether they are assigned to you or whether you are watching or being otherwise involved in them. This will also work if you have selected to receive no notifications at all otherwise.

We believe this to be particularly useful for high level managers who are overseeing many projects but aren't directly involved in their day-to-day. It's also great for help desk scenarios where agents won't need email notifications for regular issues as they're working on them consistently following an orderly queue. Yet, high priority issues could now alert them even if they aren't currently logged on or are working on something else – if that's what's desired.

New features for Planio Storage

Added by Jens Krämer almost 5 years ago

Planio's new Storage App just received an update which brings two much requested features.

Notifications for changes to files and folders

Users can now receive notifications about changes (that is, creation, modification and deletion) of files and folders in Planio Storage. The same settings in My Account, which control notifications about issue updates and so on, will also influence what changes in Storage users will be notified about.

For fine grained control, we also introduced the possibility to watch files and folders, which becomes relevant when a user has selected the "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in" setting in her notification preferences. The watch setting on folders is recursive, so all files and folders inside a watched folder are considered to be watched as well automatically.

Notification emails show which files and folders have changed.

To avoid flooding users' mailboxes with notifications, these are consolidated over a period of time. Emails only get sent out when no more changes happened for a certain period of time in order to group related changes in a single notification email.

Restoration of deleted files

The new Trashcan can be accessed through a link in the sidebar of the Storage app. It keeps hold of deleted files for 3 days, providing a safeguard against accidental deletion of files.

Files and folders in trash can be restored or permanently removed before this happens automatically. Administrators may choose to purge all files permanently in one go, while other users may only purge those files that they deleted themselves. Protected files and folders remain protected in Trash as well - they cannot be seen in the Trashcan view by users without the proper permissions.

Storage Trashcan


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