



Planio Support (ja - 日本語): 新しいガイド:Using sub-issues and issue relations

Added by Shengnan Lyu 22 days ago

タスクの階層構造を整理したいときも、イベントの順序を明確にしたいときも、新しいガイドusing sub-issues and issue relationsが役立ちます!



Planio Support (english): New Guide: Using sub-issues and issue relations

Guides and Support
Added by Ema Raven 28 days ago

Whether you're building a detailed family tree of tasks or setting a clear sequence of events, our new guide on using sub-issues and issue relations is here to help!

The related issues section in a Planio issue with the drop down menu open

Take a look at our new guide and discover how to stay on top of your projects using sub-issues and issue relations efficiently:

Planio Support (ja - 日本語): 「Webhooks」のご紹介ーーPlanioで業務を自動化

Added by Shengnan Lyu about 2 months ago









  1. Planioで「個人設定」に移動します。
  2. 画面右上の「Webhooks」をクリックします。
  3. 「New webhook」をクリックします。
  4. Webhookを設定します:
  • 「URL」には、リクエストを受信したいURLを入力します。
  • 「Events」では、このWebhookが対象とするイベントを選択します。
  • 「プロジェクト」では、このWebhookを有効にするプロジェクトを選択します。





Planio Support (english): Introducing Webhooks: Automate Your Workflow with Planio

Feature Update
Added by Jens Krämer about 2 months ago

Today, we'd like to introduce you to a powerful new feature in Planio: Webhooks. This enhancement is designed to enable seamless automation and integration with your existing tools and workflows.

What are Webhooks?

Webhooks are a way for web applications to communicate with each other in real-time. They allow you to send automated messages or information from one app to another whenever a specific event occurs. Unlike traditional APIs, which require you to poll for data, webhooks push data to your endpoint as soon as an event happens, making them more efficient and responsive.

With integration platforms like Zapier or IFTTT you can set up webhook endpoints and initiate actions in thousands of third-party applications and services, allowing you to get started with little to no coding required.

How Webhooks Work in Planio

With Planio's webhooks, you can set up triggers for various events within your projects. For example, you can configure a webhook to notify your team in Slack whenever a new issue is created or updated in Planio. This means you no longer have to manually check for updates or rely on email notifications.

Getting Started with Webhooks

To start using webhooks in Planio, follow these simple steps:

  1. In Planio, navigate to My Account.
  2. Click on Webhooks in the top right.
  3. Click New webhook.
  4. Set up your webhook. For Webhook URL, enter the URL where you'd like to receive webhook requests. Under Events, select the events you want this hook to receive requests for. Under Projects, select the projects you want this hook to be active in.

For more detailed instructions, check out our Webhooks Documentation or contact our support team for assistance.


Webhooks are a game-changer for teams looking to streamline their workflows and improve communication between different tools. By integrating Planio with your existing systems, you can automate processes, receive real-time updates, and enhance overall productivity. We can't wait to see how you leverage this new feature to optimize your project management experience.

Try out webhooks today and take your Planio projects to the next level!

Planio Support (ja - 日本語): 終了していないチケットにのみ時間記録を制限する

Added by Shengnan Lyu 2 months ago




  1. 制限を適用したいプロジェクトに移動し、プロジェクトメニューから 設定 をクリックします。
  2. プロジェクト設定内の チケットトラッキング セクションを見つけます。
  3. Time tracking on closed issues のオプションをオフにして、 保存 をクリックします。

これで、このプロジェクト内では終了済みのチケットに対して時間を記録することができなくなります。 なお、この設定は子プロジェクトには自動的に適用されません。適用したい子プロジェクトごとに、個別に設定する必要があります。

Planio Support (english): Restrict Time Logging to Open Issues

Feature Update
Added by Jens Krämer 2 months ago

We are excited to announce a new feature in Planio that enhances how you manage time tracking on your projects. With this update, you can now restrict time logging to issues that are still open, ensuring that all time entries are relevant and up-to-date.

How to Enable This Feature

To enable the restriction on time logging for closed issues, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the project where you want to apply this restriction, and click Settings in the project menu.
  2. Find the Issue tracking section within the project settings.
  3. To enable the restriction, uncheck the option Time tracking on closed issues and click Save.

As a result, it will be impossible to log time on already closed issues in this project. Please note that this setting does not automatically propagate to child projects. You will need to enable the restriction individually for each child project where you want this feature to apply.

Planio Support (ja - 日本語): Planio Storage 機能強化

Added by Shengnan Lyu 5 months ago

Planio Storageにおける2つの新機能「ファイル管理」および「同期モジュール」をご紹介します。


Planio Storageでは、Webインターフェースからフォルダ内のすべてのファイルを直接ダウンロードできるようになりました。各フォルダのコンテキストメニューに 「一括ダウンロード」 オプションが追加され、このオプションを選択すると、選択したフォルダの最新内容が含まれたZIPアーカイブが生成されます。

プロジェクト内のすべてのファイルをダウンロードする場合は、プロジェクトの 「ストレージ」 セクションに移動し、画面右上にある「…」メニューから 「一括ダウンロード」 を選択してください。



Planio Storageのファイル共有機能はご存知かもしれません。この機能を使うと、Planioのアカウントを持っていないユーザーともファイルを共有するためのリンクを生成できます。共有リンクは、常にファイルの最新バージョンを指し示します。




なお、共有機能で生成されたZIPアーカイブには、 保護されたファイルやフォルダは含まれない 点にご注意ください。この点は、上記の「一括ダウンロード」機能とは異なります。適切な権限がある場合は、「一括ダウンロード」機能で保護されたファイルもダウンロード可能ですが、フォルダ共有機能では機密ファイルを誤って共有してしまうことを防ぐために制限を設けています。

Planio Support (english): Planio Storage Enhancements

Feature Update
Added by Jens Krämer 5 months ago

We're excited to introduce two new enhancements to Planio Storage, our file management and synchronization module.

Export Folders as ZIP Archive

You can now download the entire contents of any folder in Planio Storage directly from the web interface. The Download all files option is available in the context menu of each folder and will provide you with a ZIP archive containing the current contents of the selected folder.

To download all files within a project, simply navigate to the project's Storage section and select Download all files from the top-right three dots menu.

In most cases, your download will begin immediately. For larger data sets, we’ll prepare the files in the background and send you an email with a download link once everything is ready.

Share Folders with Others

You might already be familiar with the file-sharing feature in Planio Storage. This feature allows you to generate a link to share individual files with others, even if they don’t have a Planio account. These sharing links always point to the latest version of the file.

We’ve now expanded this functionality to allow folder sharing. The same rules apply: recipients without Planio accounts can access shared folders (if your permissions allow it — see below), and the link will always point to the latest version of the folder’s contents. When someone accesses the link, a ZIP archive of the folder’s current contents is generated and made available for download.

Folder sharing links can be created via the context menu or in the Sharing section of the folder listing sidebar.

To enable sharing with non-registered users, be sure to grant the Anonymous role the "View shared files" permission.

Please note that ZIP archives generated via the sharing feature do not include protected files and folders. This differs from the "Download all files" feature above, which includes these files if you have the appropriate permissions. We added this limitation to prevent accidentally sharing confidential files that might be buried deep within your folder structure.

Planio Support (ja - 日本語): チケット及び作業時間のための新しいフィルタ

Added by Shengnan Lyu 6 months ago



  • コメント
  • ファイルの説明
  • 全検索対象テキスト


  • 「関連している」フィルタは、複数のチケット番号の入力をサポートするようになりました。
  • テキスト検索用フィールドに「いずれかを含む」オプションが追加されました。
  • 「前方一致」と「後方一致」が、複数の単語の入力をサポートするようになりました。
  • ウォッチャーフィルタがチケット一覧の表示項目としても利用できるようになりました。
  • フィルタ「トラッカー」「優先度」「担当者」「カテゴリ」「対象バージョン」に、新しい履歴検索用の演算子「現在/過去の値」、「一度もない」、「過去の値」が追加されました。


  • 「作業時間」に、「チケットの親チケット」フィルタとオプション項目として「親チケット」の選択肢が追加されました。



Planio Support (english): New filters for issues and time entries

Feature update
Added by Felix Schäfer 6 months ago

We have been improving the filter functionalities in Planio by expanding and refining some existing filters as well as adding some whole new ones.

New Issue filters:

  • Notes
  • File description
  • Any searchable text

Issue filter updates:

  • the "related to" filter now supports entering multiple Issue IDs
  • there is a new "contains any of" operator for text fields
  • the "starts with" and "ends with" operators now support entering multiple words
  • the Watcher filter is now also available as a column
  • there are new historical operators "is or was", "was never" and "was" for the filters Tracker, Priority, Assignee, Category and Sprint/Milestone

New Spent time filter:

  • for Spent time, we added a filter (and column) for the associated Issue's Parent issue

An example Issue query showing some filter and operator additions as well as the new Watchers column.

We hope these improvements will make using Planio more productive for everyone and we would love to hear your feedback. If you have any questions regarding those new features or anything Planio related please get in touch.


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