



Planio Support (ja - 日本語): Planio Help Deskでメールの不達通知を受信できるようになりました

Added by Keiko Fukuda about 2 years ago

Planioの Help Desk 機能 を使用すると、顧客や関係者など外部の連絡先にPlanioのチケットから直接メールを送信してやり取りができます。



しかし、時としてこれらの通知が役に立つこともあります。 顧客や外部の関係者がメールを受信していないことが判れば、別のメールアドレスや電話など、別のチャネルで連絡を取ることができます。

これがPlanio Help Deskをインストールしているプロジェクトでバウンスメールなどの通知を受信できるようにした理由です。

Planioでこれらの通知をどのように処理するのか、 プロジェクトの「設定」→「Help Desk」タブ→「Issue status for bounce mails」 から、次のいずれかを設定できます。

  • デフォルトのステータス : 「Tracker for emails」に設定しているトラッカーのデフォルトのステータスでチケットを作成する
  • None, do not create issue :従来の動作を維持し、バウンスメールなどの通知によるチケットをまったく作成しないようにする
  • 任意のステータス :選択したステータスでチケットを作成する

Pro Tip:
「画面右上のアカウント名(アバター)」→「管理」→「チケットのステータス」 から、「バウンス」という新しいステータスを作成して、それを 「終了したチケット」 に設定します。そして、そのステータス「バウンス」をHelp Deskの設定「Issue status for bounce mails」で選択します。


Planio Support (ja - 日本語): Gitリポジトリのヘッドブランチ名

Added by Yukiko Ishihara about 2 years ago

Gitのデフォルトブランチがmainに変更された ことを考慮し、Planioは新しく作成されたGitリポジトリのデフォルト(HEAD)ブランチの名前をmainに変更しました。この変更は新しく作成されたリポジトリにのみ影響し、古いバージョンのGitと互換性があるため、ユーザー側での操作は必要ありません。

今回の変更に伴い、Planioの既存リポジトリの head ブランチをmasterからmain(または他の既存のブランチ)へ変更できるようになりました。ユーザーはプロジェクトの 設定 → リポジトリ → 編集 から設定できます。

Planio Support (english): Delivering Non-Delivery Notifications for Planio Help Desk

Feature update
Added by Holger Just about 2 years ago

Using the Planio Help Desk Pro Feature, you can communicate with external contacts such as customers or external stakeholders via email directly from your Planio issues.

Sometimes however, emails can't be delivered to the final recipient, e.g. when the email account is no longer active or has reached its storage quota. In these cases, email servers sometimes send an automatic non-delivery notification back to the sender, also called a bounce message, informing them that the message could not be delivered.

Until now, Planio filtered out these types of notifications to avoid cluttering your issues with automatic responses.

Occasionally though, these notifications can be useful. Once you know a customer or external contact didn't receive your mail you can use a different communication channel to contact them, for example with an alternative email address, or even a plain old phone call.

This is why we have now made it possible to receive bounce emails in projects where you have the Planio Help Desk app installed.

To configure how Planio should handle these notifications, you can go to your projectSettingsHelp DeskIssue status for bounce mails. Here you can select either:

  • Default Status: to create an issue with the default status used by the tracker set in the field "Tracker for emails",
  • None, do not create issue: to keep the previous behavior and not create an issue at all,
  • Your Status: to create the issue and to set it to a custom status of your choosing.

Configure the status for bounce emails

Configure the status for bounce emails

Pro Tip: You could create a new status called Bounce via your avatarAdministrationIssue Statuses and set it up to be a closed status. Then, select this status in your project's Help Desk settings. This way, you'll never see bounces (because they're closed immediately), but you'll be able to check them on demand by filtering your issues by that status.

Planio Support (english): Head branch name in Git repositories

Feature update
Added by Felix Schäfer about 2 years ago

In light of efforts in the Git community to change the name of the default Git branch to main as well as to support more inclusive naming in the tech sector, Planio changed the name of the default (HEAD) branch for newly created Git repositories to main. Note that this change will only affect newly created repositories and is compatible with older Git versions, no action is required on your part.

Along with this change in the default head branch, Planio introduces the possibility to change the head branch of existing repositories. This means our customers can change from a master to a main (or any other existing branch) head branch now. Project managers will find this option in the project's SettingsRepositoriesEdit of the desired repository.

Planio Support (ja - 日本語): 新しいガイド: チケットと作業時間の一括更新

Added by Yukiko Ishihara over 2 years ago



Planio Support (english): New Guide: Making bulk changes to issues and time entries

Guides and Support
Added by Ema Raven over 2 years ago

We have prepared a new guide to help you use Planio more efficiently. Using our bulk editing feature, in just a few clicks you can reassign a category, modify an assignee, change the due dates of multiple issues and much more!

Check out our step by step guide and learn all about making bulk changes to your issues and time entries here:

Opening the bulk edit menu

Planio Support (ja - 日本語): Planioの機能改善

Added by Keiko Fukuda almost 3 years ago







  • テーブル挿入ボタン
  • プレビューボタン
  • オートコンプリート機能







  • プロジェクト一覧にフィルタを追加
  • CSVファイルによるユーザーの一括インポート
  • グループをチケットのウォッチャーに追加
  • チケットの添付ファイル一括ダウンロード




Redmineの開発に注目している皆さんは、Redmineの改良点の多くがPlanioに今回初めて登場するか、ここ数ヶ月ですでにPlanioに追加されていることにお気づきでしょう。今回の更新は、PlanioのコードベースをRedmine4.2に 「公式」にアップグレードしたことを意味します。

これらの改善により、Planioをこれまで以上に生産的にご利用いただけると期待しています。 新機能やPlanioに関連することで何かご質問がありましたら、ご連絡ください。

Planio Support (english): Planio Issue usage improvements

Improved features and updates
Added by Ema Raven almost 3 years ago

We are proud to bring a new Planio update to our customers with usability, configuration and speed improvements in many key Planio functions.

Issue improvements

Issues are one of our central features and have received a lot of updates. The most visible change is the issue history, which can now be viewed either as a unified history or as only Notes, Property Changes, and where applicable only Time Entries, Associated Revisions or Chat Logs. Using those new tabs you can now focus on only the parts of the Issue History that are important to you.

New Issue history

The editor for formatted texts also has been improved in several ways. A new toolbar button allows for quick and easy creation of tables and formatted texts can now be previewed in place. Quick and easy also best describes the new autocomplete helpers for issue numbers (just type # followed by an issue ID or some part of the title text) and for web pages (just type [[ and some part of the wiki page name or title).

Improved formatted text editor with an issue autocomplete menu

All those improvements to the formatted text editor are also available for all formatted text editors in Planio, not just for those in issues!

Default Queries

Keeping in line with improvements to the usability of Issues are Default Queries. Administrators can now set a global Issue Query as a global Default Query, and project managers can choose a Default Query at a project level that can override the global Default Query. You can now configure which columns, filters, sort order and groupings are used by default in the Issues Tab for each project and globally!

Many more small improvements

While those are our favourite new features there are many more across the board. The project list for example can now be filtered. You can create new users by importing users from a CSV file. Groups can now be added as Watchers to Issues. You can now download all attachments from an Issue at once instead of downloading each Issue attachment individually.

One security improvement we would like to make Administrators of Planio accounts that use LDAP authentication aware of is certificate checking. Up until now connections to an upstream server using the LDAPS option would benefit from strong encryption for connections made to the LDAP server, however the validity of the LDAP server's certificate would not be checked. The new default for LDAP servers is to check the validity of the LDAP server's certificate, and we would encourage existing Administrators of Planios with LDAP authentication to switch to LDAPS with certificate validation available in the LDAP connection's configuration.

Upgrade to Redmine 4.2

Everyone who’s keeping an eye on Redmine development as well, will have noticed that many of the improvements in Redmine have either appeared on Planio first or have been integrated in Planio throughout the last couple of months already. Today’s update marks the “official” upgrade of the Planio code base to Redmine 4.2 though, meaning that Planio is now up to date with all the small and minor code changes and quirks of the latest Redmine release.

We hope these improvements will make using Planio more productive for everyone and would love to hear your feedback. If you have any questions regarding those new features or anything Planio related please get in touch.

Planio Support (ja - 日本語): システム管理者以外のユーザーが、新しいユーザーを追加できるようになりました

Added by Keiko Fukuda over 3 years ago




  1. 「画面右上のアカウント名」→「管理」→「設定」の「認証」タブをクリック
  2. 設定項目「Allowed to invite new users via email」で「Administrators and authorized project members」を選択
  3. 「保存」をクリック


  • 「Allowed to invite new users via email」にチェックを入れる
  • 「表示できるユーザー」を「すべてのアクティブなユーザー」に設定
  • 「メンバーの管理」権限にチェックをいれる







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