



Planio Support (ja - 日本語): Redmineの最新版 3.3.2 へアップグレード

Added by Go Maeda over 7 years ago


4月1日、Planioで使用しているRedmineを最新安定版であるRedmine 3.3.2にアップグレードしました。今回のアップグレードには多数の細かな改善とバグ修正が含まれます。Redmine 3.3の新機能の多くはPlanioの技術者が開発したもので、実はPlanioでは先行して提供済みのものです。同様に、Redmineのすべてのセキュリティパッチは、Planioのセキュリティポリシーに従って、公表されてから数時間以内にすべてのPlanioアカウントに対して適用されています。


  • トラッカーごとの権限設定 [参考記事]
  • ドラッグ&ドロップによるステータス、トラッカー、ロールなどの順序設定 [参考記事]
  • チケット一覧画面のコンテキストメニューからの、複数のチケットに対するウォッチャーの一括設定 [参考記事]
  • チケットIDによるフィルタ / 選択されたIDのチケットのみ表示
  • チケットの添付ファイルの一括編集・削除
  • プロジェクトごとにデフォルトの担当者を設定



Planio Support (english): Upgrade to latest Redmine 3.3.2

Redmine Upgrade
Added by Felix Schäfer over 7 years ago

As you might know, Planio is powered by Redmine and runs on an always up-to-date branch that's individually managed and hardened by the Redmine experts at Planio.

Today, we've rolled out the upgrade to the latest stable Redmine 3.3.2. The upgrade comes with a number of smaller improvements and bug fixes. Many of the features in Redmine 3.3 have been contributed by our engineers at Planio and as such have been available in Planio for a long time already. Likewise, all security patches from Redmine had already been backported and installed for all Planio accounts within only hours of their respective disclosure, following our general security policies.

Here's a quick rundown of the new features:

  • Per tracker issue permissions
  • Drag and Drop reordering for statuses, trackers, roles, etc.
  • Bulk add watchers to multiple issues in context menu in issue list
  • Filter issues by ID / Only show selected issues
  • Issue attachment bulk edit/delete
  • Default assignee per project

Planio Support (english): Userlike Integration: Website chat logs in Planio Help Desk

Added by Jan Schulz-Hofen over 7 years ago

: You can now use Planio Help Desk together with Userlike to get chat logs and messages from your website chat widget directly in Planio. Contact data will be synced and you can follow up on chats directly from Planio Help Desk.

Learn how to get started with our step-by-step guide: Store Website Chat Logs from Userlike in Planio Help Desk

Planio Support (english): CRM & Helpdesk renamed to Planio Help Desk

UI Improvement; API Change
Added by Jan Schulz-Hofen over 7 years ago

We have renamed our previously called Pro Feature CRM & Helpdesk to Planio Help Desk in order to call things by their proper names.

We introduced Planio Help Desk back in 2012 – that's over 5 years ago! Since then, it has indeed been about Customer Relationship Management, but it always used to focus on the supporting aspect of it which is now more commonly referred to as help desk.

Furthermore, the term CRM is mostly used when people talk about sales tools now – which Planio is definitely not. That's why we thought it would be more consistent to drop the CRM name and focus only on Help Desk instead.

This change only affects the user interface and one particular place in the Planio API – when you fetch issues now using the /issues endpoint, you'll get the reply token necessary for tracking pages and for sending email updates as a value to the reply_token key (instead of crm_reply_token). The old key will remain in addition to the new one until July 1st, 2017 after that, it will be removed from the API.

Update: While we were at it, we also gave the previous email drop box feature a proper name and are calling it Planio Inbox now. This means that your project inbox addresses are now following the schema, but the old addresses starting with dropbox+... will of course continue to work.

Planio Support (english): Edit Help Desk Templates right from the FAQ Section

UI Improvement
Added by Jan Schulz-Hofen over 7 years ago

You've been able to use your Help Desk Templates as questions within your project's own FAQ section for quite some time now. Until now, you always had to navigate to Settings within your project to edit your templates, though.

Edit links within FAQ Section

You'll now find a small Edit icon on the right side next to each FAQ item which allows you to quickly edit the corresponding Help Desk Template directly.

Planio Support (english): Colorful default user avatars (1 comment)

UI Improvement
Added by Felix Gliesche over 7 years ago

As you surely know, you can use Gravatars to personalize your user icon at Planio. Simply sign up at Gravatar, upload your picture and Planio will automatically pick it up.

Until now though, users who didn't use a Gravatar were displayed as a rather sad and grey boring silhouette.

Colorful default user avatars

We've changed this today by adding colorful default avatars to Planio. They're active in all accounts already. If you've used a different default before, you can enable them via AdministrationSettingsDisplay.

Planio Support (english): Recently used items and Bookmarks on Home Page

New Feature
Added by Jan Schulz-Hofen almost 8 years ago

There's this one issue you've been coming back to over and over. Or this wiki page you're accessing frequently. Yet, you cannot remember their ID or URL and finding them via the Projects dropdown works, but always takes a little too long to be really convenient.

Sounds familiar? Then our redesigned Planio home page is for you. It now contains bookmarks of your most recently accessed items ordered by access frequency over the last week. We hope this feature will help you get back to your most important items in Planio more quickly and more conveniently.

Recently used items and Bookmarks on Home Page

You can also pin certain items to the home page by clicking on the star icon.

Planio Support (english): Create Online Contact Forms on your Website with Planio

API Improvement
Added by Thomas Carney almost 8 years ago

Ever wondered how we at Planio handle online contact form requests via our Contact Us page? Using Planio, of course. And now you can, too!

Create Online Contact Forms on your Website with Planio

We've just published a new endpoint to our API that can be used as a target for simple HTML web forms. Using this technique, you'll be able to capture your customer's requests or inquiries directly as issues in Planio.

Learn all about it in our Set Up Contact Forms with Planio guide.

Planio Support (english): Planio Accounts now also available via Subdomain

Infrastructure Improvement
Added by Holger Just almost 8 years ago

During the recent outage of the .IO top level domain name servers, we had quickly provided a workaround making all Planio accounts available via in addition to the well-known addresses.

Planio Accounts now also available via Subdomain

This interim workaround has now become a permanent alternative for all users who wish to use instead of Feel free to use either domain for your Planio account going forward.

Planio Support (english): Support for GMail Actions and Markup

Added by Jan Schulz-Hofen about 8 years ago

Sometimes, it's hard to tell critical updates from not so important email. That's why emails coming from Planio's issue tracking now contain Actions. On GMail, they will render as little buttons that will open the right Planio issue directly from your inbox.

Support for GMail actions and Markup is a community standardization effort that goes beyond email and GMail and we hope to see more email clients support those usability enhancements soon.

As part of this change, we're now sending all Planio emails from the single email address This will of course not impact your ability to update issues in Planio via email simply by hitting the "Reply" button in your email client.


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